2013年9月6日 星期五


**  按Ctrl+F輸入題目關鍵字或題號可增加搜尋效率喔!!

A - Doom's Day AlgorithmCPE22801、UVA12019

The Hotel with Infinite RoomsCPE 10417、UVA 10170

Odd SumCPE 10453、UVA 10783

You can say 11.CPE 10460、UVA 10929

The 3n + 1 ProblemCPE 10400、UVA 100

Summing DigitsCPE 10473、UVA 11332

Back to High School PhysicsCPE 10411、UVA 10071

Decode the Mad ManCPE 10425、UVA 10222

Funny Encryption MethodCPE 10403、UVA 10019

Beat the SpreadCPE 10454、UVA 10812

Square NumbersCPE 10480、UVA 11461

Common PermutationCPE 10567、UVA 10252

TeX Quots-CPE 22131、UVA 272

Hashmat the Brave Warrior-CPE10407、UVA10055

Parity-CPE 10461、UVA 10931
Let Me Count The Ways-UVA 357

Jolly Jumpers-CPE 10405、UVA 10038

Simply Emirp-CPE 10428、UVA 10235


What's Cryptanalysis? -CPE 10402、UVA 10008

Vito's family -CPE 10406、UVA 10041

Tell me the frequencies! -CPE 10410、UVA 10062

Fibonaccimal Base - CPE 10401、UVA 948 

WERTYU- CPE 10412、 UVA 10082

What is the Median? CPE  10527、UVA 10107

Ones-CPE 10532、UVA 10127 

Divide, But Not Quite Conquer!-CPE 10419、UVA 10190

Nice Licence Plates-UVA 12602

Very Easy!-UVA 10523

By 小K  2014/08/21更新

